Sentence for meanings | Use meanings in a sentence

How to use meanings in a sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use meanings in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for meanings.

  • He looked full of hopeful meanings. (10)
  • But Miss Middleton has a lot of meanings. (10)
  • What are the modern meanings of the terms? (3)
  • She had not uttered words, she had shed meanings. (10)
  • Innumerable meanings wreathed away unattainable to thought. (10)
  • There must be meanings to that effect in the Mythology, awaiting unravelment. (10)
  • But on her lips there was still that smile of many meanings which she had won. (12)
  • She saw the vile figure of herself aping smirks and tender meanings to her old lover. (10)
  • The words of both uncle and nephew gave the impression of unspoken meanings, far more important, behind. (8)
  • Alternately in his mind Death had vaster meanings and doubtfuller; Life cowered under the shadow or outshone it. (10)

Also see sentences for: meaning, meaningless, meaningly.

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